Le Fri, 2 Feb 2007 06:54:51 -0800,
Drake Wyrm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Steve Dibb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd like to propose a new herd: religion.  The herd would take care of
> > the Bible and religious software along with any genealogy programs in
> > the tree,
> Genealogy is a religion?
> How about calling the herd "philosophy" or some such? That would better
> include genealogy, would still include any religion-oriented packages,
> and might also be appropriate to some other packages.
genealogy have nothing to do with philosophy or religion. I can use a science,
genealogy, in order to find who was my ancestors. But it will tell me  nothing
about their philosophy and religious beliefs. Religion is not about science but
about beliefs (some peoples are even saying ideology). Philosophy is also a

Look at an example. Christian peoples are believing at Maria, the mother of
Jesus, was a virgin, and at even Joseph, the father, was not aware of it. They
said at it is a mystery, and at the same time, they are trying to explain it.

What say philosophy about it?
A mystery is by definition something that no one can explain. So it can be only
2 scientific explanations:
1) It is a mystery and they are wrong to try to explain it.
2) They explain it and they are wrong to try to tell at it is a mystery.

So, genealogy as philosophy must go in the herd science. As religion is not a
science but a belief, it cannot go here. Maybe a herd belief?

Dominique Michel

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