Robert Buchholz wrote:
>>> But I had the impression the idea was discarded anyway. So I should
>>> focus my thoughts somewhere else :-)
>> Please focus your thoughts wherever you wish. I gotta ask tho; what idea?
>> I thought we were just talking about excess dependencies in the tree.
> I somehow lost track of the messages in this thread
Yeah, have to admit I'd been feeling like that too- had to go back and check
what we were actually talking about :P

> , but the idea of 
> having large scale dependencies any system package needed seemed not
> realistically doable.
I thought it was to get rid of any dependencies on pkgs that were guaranteed
to be present, but I could be wrong.

> If it's just about adding virtual/c-toolchain, was there arguments
> against it?
Just the implementation difficulties, I thought. Which brought us onto a QA

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