Alexander Zubkov wrote:
> Hi!
> I have some idea on extending portage building system (ebuild?).
> Sometimes I'm (for example) want to apply custom patch to some package.
> This patch can do something unusual, that can not be accepted by
> maintainers and I know this. But I like features in my patch and want it
> to apply automatically when updating the package. Not to do it like this:
> $ ebuild /usr/portage/pkg-categoty/some-package/some-package-1.0 unpack
> $ cd /var/tmp/portage/pkg-categoty/some-package/work/...
> $ patch -p1 < ~/my-patch-for-some-package
> $ cd
> $ ebuild /usr/portage/pkg-categoty/some-package/some-package-1.0 merge
> It is lot of manual work. The idea is having an file, for example
> /etc/portage/package.patch with contents like this:
> =pkg-category/some-package-1*      /path/to/my-patch-for-some-package
> Of course, patches could fail in newer versions. But when I'll use that
> feature - I'll understand why it can be and it'll be more convenient to
> maintain it.

You can use a bashrc script

Timothy `Drizzt` Redaelli -
FreeSBIE Developer, Gentoo Developer, GUFI Staff
There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
We don't believe this to be a coincidence.      -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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