Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Dec 2006 05:29:22 -0800 Brian Harring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | Donnie already stated he'd take a patch, so throw the patch his
> | direction if you want things changed.
> "If you don't want it to be broken, fix it yourself" is hardly a viable
> QA policy...
No, but you are an ex-dev so it hardly counts as asking a newbie to do it.

As for your other point:
> | Ciaran: does the group stuff Donnie mentioned above fix this?
> No. That's a massive abuse of groups. If people wanted to just accept
> any licence necessary to install a particular package, they'd disable
> licence filtering. The purpose of groups is to allow people to quickly
> select licences that have been approved by various organisations that
> have lawyers checking this kind of thing.
Is there any consensus on that?

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