Caleb Cushing wrote:

> maybe it would be a lot of work. to even develop the tools. but it 
> would be nice if a global use flag could have a detailed option.

this has been discussed a few times before.  i think there's even a bug
for it (don't remember the #).

> example.
> euse -i mplayer [+ C  ] mplayer - Enable mplayer support for playback
> or encoding
> is what we currently get.
> add a -d option for --descriptive euse -id mplayer could show
> something like [+ C  ] mplayer - Enable mplayer support for playback
> or encoding media-video/kmplayer - adds the ability to play back
> media using the mplayer engine

euse already does this actually. ;)

$ grep "^doc" /usr/portage/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.desc
doc - Adds extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc)

$ grep ":doc" /usr/portage/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.local.desc
dummy-cat/fakepkg:doc - This is a package specific USE description.

$ euse -i doc
global use flags (searching: doc)
[-    ] doc - Adds extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc)

local use flags (searching: doc)
[-    ] doc (dummy-cat/fakepkg): This is a package specific USE description.

i keep meaning to look at how other USE-type utils handle it.

                                        by design, by neglect
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            for a fact or just for effect
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