Stephen Bennett napsal(a):
> On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 17:57:06 +0100
> Jakub Moc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Of course it does... Lots of people can't remove outdated broken cruft
>> because $ebuild still depends on something since $arch has been
>> slacking for months. Lots of people are forced to maintain outdated
>> junk in this way, it's not like it's just sitting there doing nothing.
> Did you even read my mail? We're not asking people to maintain old
> stuff, just to leave it there as is until a newer one can be tested and
> keyworded.
Sure I did... Could you tell me why should we accumulate broken and
vulnerable junk in the tree for years? (Outdated ebuild A depends on
junky outdated ebuild B which depends on crappy, unsupported ebuilds C,
D and E which... )

Either keyword it in a reasonable time or you'll lose the keyword, damn
simple... Can't do it in X months? Sorry, too bad for your arch, the
package is gone and users will rant (or they won't, and then you don't
need the keywords in the first place).

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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