Tach Christian,                                  0x2B859DE3 (PGP-PK-ID)

Christian Heim schrieb:

> Its my pleasure to introduce to you Christian Faulhammer (also known as
> opfer), our latest addition helping with xemacs and the x86 monkeys.

 Please! Don't!  Not XEmacs!  Pure GNU Emacs, nothing more, nothing less!

> While he's unplugged from his 'puter, Christian is trying to judge
> handball games (you heard right, he's a referee) and he is enjoying
> cycling (*juck*).

 Cycling is good to be in shape when running from the crowd after matches.

> Enough of me trying to be a funny person,

 Yes please...go on with recruiting but leave out humour...you are German.

 I would like to thank Christian (phreak), Andrej (my mentor Ticho),   
Joshua Jackson and all the devs that helped me on IRC.  Especially all  
people from project Sunrise, because commiting there is a good training  
for the "real" tree.

Chris White: But no American beer please.
Vlastimil: Now I can nag you even more for Java things.  Thanks for Jabref  
Tobias, Lars: Yes, I will attend some hours at LWE in Cologne.


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