a president-like figure to run things, elected id say would be best, maybe 1 year terms or something, cannot be overruled but elections can be called early if some overly high percentage of council/others express concerns about the person... otherwise their word is final, see that would at least give things direction, and the person is removable but only with some kinda concensus among devs... id also think this person should be independent of groups such as the council/devrel/etc if so...
just my 0.02 :)
On 10/14/06, Caleb Cushing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I agree. what we're seeing is a failure of democracy. at first it
works. then people have opinions. then bickering starts. and no one
has the power to stamp there foot down and say this is our direction.
It doesn't work very well. at the least we need a president like
figure. of course I'm not against a supreme dictator as long as they
keep looking forward, and doing good.
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