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Joshua Nichols wrote:
> Maurice van der Pot wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed in the past that a lot of people come to irc with problems
>> in some area (say networking) that are easy to solve just by first
>> asking a number of questions to identify the problem and then providing
>> the solution.
>> I've always liked the way Microsoft put these troubleshooters in their
>> help files. While the content of Microsoft's troubleshooters probably
>> never really helped anyone, the format of a troubleshooter is in my
>> opinion one of the best ways to help people solve their own problems.
>> Now I've hacked up a program that can create a troubleshooter from
>> specifications of questions and problems and their dependencies, but I'd
>> need to have some decent content to really make it useful for other
>> people.
>> I think having a couple of Gentoo-specific troubleshooters would be a
>> great resource for new users (not just new to Gentoo, but new to Linux).
>> I have a couple of questions:
>> 1) Does this sound like a good idea?
>> 2) Does anyone feel like pouring his/her troubleshooting skills into
>>    content for my program?
>> The program is still very immature (I skipped a lot of things that
>> weren't absolutely necessary for the program to show what it can do),
>> but that'll be fixed.
>> When given proper input, it generates HTML files that you can click
>> through and that will hopefully lead you to (a solution to) your problem.
>> It has some sample content to show the format.
>> Maurice.
>> http://griffon26.kfk4ever.com/~griffon26/troubleshooter-0.0.2.tar.bz2
>> 43f0042c802ad5ddcdf2a4db671c41c8 *troubleshooter-0.0.2.tar.bz2
> If I'm not mistaken, the kbase project was established to help with this
> type of information:
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/kbase/
Well . . . almost. This "troubleshooters" sounds like a distant cousin of what
we originally set out to do. We didn't plan just to do troubleshooting -- more
like specific quick howtos that didn't necessarily need a whole guide. More "How
do I do this (amazingly obscure though it may be)" rather than "how do I fix
this problem sequentially" -- though there would obviously be fix-it howtos as
well. kbase was supposed to be the gathering place for information that really
didn't belong in a guide in /doc/en/ for one reason or another...like collecting
all the tips'n'tricks from the DT&T forum.

At the very least, Troubleshooters is not remotely the format kbase was planning
on using, as it wouldn't be effective.
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