
I'm afraid that I find that my position with Gentoo is no longer
tenable. Over the past year and especially over the past few months
the ability to keep Gentoo a coherent and smooth environment has been
eroded and hindered at practically every opportunity by bad decisions,
staff, and in some cases, downright incompetence.

It transpires that from the recent barrage of developers leaving, the
disquiet and increasing lack of congruence of the developer (and to
some extent also the user) communities that something is inherently
wrong. I'm leaving it as an exercise to the reader to explore exactly
what (if anything) is wrong.

Seeing as we have failed to address these challenges over the course
of many months and as a result of continuous recent discussions (which
half the time end up being totally redundant due to miscommunication)
both on -core and on -dev, it is evident that something is wrong with
the core management (or lack thereof, depending on your point of view).

I no longer have the commitment or desire to follow the road in
solving the above challenges. I'm not really sure whether there even
is a solution. I'd like to add that I have really enjoyed my time in
the past three years working with Gentoo and helping to contribute to
the then vibrant and dynamic community.

Lately however, the "fun" and the motivation just hasn't been there
for the reasons I've outlined above; it's finally taken its toll, and
I believe the time to move onto new projects and ventures has finally
come for me.

I would like to wish all of you the very best, and would like to thank
all of you who have (and haven't) made my time here so enjoyable.

So long, and thanks for all the fish...

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