This message was originally posted on gentoo-perl so it could fester and mature a little first (but then I jumped the gun and decided to post it here :).
OK, I've done an initial weeding of this list and taken out the obvious "we wouldn't be a distro without these" packages. The following list are those ebuilds in dev-perl that are never depended on by another package. I did do a quick scan of ChangeLog's, following up on referenced bugs. Please let me know if there is anything here that should justifiably be kept (the goal is to remove some of the cruft in dev-perl and get it down to stuff that is actually needed). Thanks kids! Archive-Rar Array-Window: bug 21791, never used AtExit: robbat2 added it, no reason provided Audio-FLAC-Header: bug 103940, referenced ebuild doesn't exist Audio-Tools Audio-Wav Business-FedEx-DirectConnect: bug 59148, interchange dep, interchange doesn't exist any more Business-UPS: another bug 59148 CDDB-File CORBA-ORBit CPAN-Mini-Inject CPAN-Mini-Phalanx Cgi-Simple: bug 9992 Chart-Math-Axis: bug 21791 Class-DBI-mysql Config-Crontab: Bug 124981, not used Convert-BinHex: bug 46332, unused Crypt-Cracklib Date-ISO: bug 4186, undepp'd Festival-Client-Async File-ReadBackwards: bug 27880 FileHandle-Deluxe: bug 21008 Fuse: bug 118928 Geo-IP HTML-Object HTML-SimpleParse: bug 7744 HTML-Template-Expr: bug 21549, bricolage HTML-Template-JIT: Bug 124988 HTTP-BrowserDetect: bug 21791 HTTP-DAV: bug 21549, bricolage HTTPD-User-Manage: bug 31023 IniConf: bug 59148, interchange Locale-PO: bug 7735 MD5 Math-VecStat: bug 88117, dep for portknock (not in tree) Module-Refresh Net-FTPServer: bug 21549, bricolage Net-IRC Net-Kismet Net-Telnet-Cisco: bug 21791 Net-XWhois: bug 84801 Newt OpenCA-CRL OpenCA-OpenSSL OpenCA-REQ OpenCA-X509 PDF-Create Plucene RPC-XML RPM SNMP_Session SQL-Statement: bug 59148, interchange Safe-Hole: bug 59148, interchange Schedule-At: bug 88118, portknock ShadowHash: bug 59148, interchane Text-Aspell Text-CSV-Simple: bug 122118 Time-Duration: bug 21791 VCP-autrijus Validate-Net: bug 21791 Video-Frequencies Video-ivtv WWW-Bugzilla WeakRef XML-Catalog XML-Encoding XML-Filter-DOMFilter-LibXML XML-RSS-Feed YAML-Parser-Syck adocman aww cache-mmap: bug 21549, bricolage gnome2-print gtk2-spell gtk2-trayicon inline-files jcode_pl libvorbis-perl mecab-perl mime-construct module-info net-sftp: bug 21549 perl-PBS perlmenu: bug 136223 perlrapi: bug 17419 perlsieve: bug 23893 set-scalar: bug 24607 tagged: bug 21174 -- -----o()o---------------------------------------------- Michael Cummings | #gentoo-dev, #gentoo-perl Gentoo Perl Dev | on Gentoo/SPARC Gentoo/AMD64 GPG: 0543 6FA3 5F82 3A76 3BF7 8323 AB5C ED4E 9E7F 4E2E -----o()o----------------------------------------------
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