For whatever it's worth, I rather like the Gentoo Seeds project, although I'm more interested in nice tools to make the seeds, than in having pre-existing seeds.
Ciaranm has argued that the project really should have been GLEPped. Although I wouldn't have opposed such a GLEP, it's not clear to me that a GLEP is the right format here. Underlying a GLEP is the notion that somebody is going to have to approve it. By our current policies, anybody is welcome to start a new project (we welcome innovation, after all), and if the effort underway doesn't involve other projects then the only approval needed would be the project leader, which would be the person who created the project, which would seem a bit silly. Of course, nothing would stop somebody from posting an RFC to -dev essentially in the same format as a GLEP, however. Of course, what ciaranm and others are really suggesting is that before there's an announcement that Gentoo has an official project to do blah, it might be nice to get some feedback from the community first. If we (being Gentoo) say that we're going to do something, and then things fall through, it might make us look bad, after all. In this case, though, it's not clear to me what stuart should have done differently. He didn't issue a press release (unless I'm missing something), he sent an e-mail to -dev announcing that he had created a new project and described the purpose of that project. If it had been me, I probably would have sent an e-mail letting people know that I was seriously thinking about creating such a project, pointed out that it was experimental, and given people a (brief!) period of time to complain before went ahead and pushed the button, but it's not clear to me that any of that was actually required. (I would like to suggest that it is more courteous, though, not to surprise our devs w/ something new if a more gentle introduction can be managed.) To some extent, we're back to determining what the word "official" means in these cases. My goal in making projects easy to create was to support innovative ideas. Most innovative ideas don't pan out, however, so a corollary has to be that just because a project exists (and thus is somehow "official") doesn't mean that anything useful will come out of it, nor that what does come out of it will be supported by the community as a whole. If we need to change things to make that reality more clear, I'm certainly willing to listen to suggestions. -g2boojum- -- Grant Goodyear Gentoo Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Fingerprint: D706 9802 1663 DEF5 81B0 9573 A6DC 7152 E0F6 5B76
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