After sending this mail, I'll be removing myself from the metadata of dev-util/confcache ; I've tried maintaining the ebuild and supporting confcache usage in Gentoo, but I'm unable to proceed with this task.
The main issue are that confcache codebase, maintained by Brian, need a way to check which package changed what in the cache, so that you can find who poison it. There's then the problem that the failure with the cache happens not with the package you need to fix or restrict but with other packages, and you need to find the primary cause. Finally, the pkg_cv_ values needs to be blacklisted, because every package use them in a different way, and thus they result in quite a borkage when different packages use the same name for different concepts, that results in eternal revdep-rebuild cycles when not using --as-needed, for instance. Anyway, dev-util/confcache needs a new maintainer and supporter. Enjoy! -- Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - Gentoo/Alt lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE
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