Tach Chris,                                  0x2B859DE3 (PGP-PK-ID)

Chris White schrieb:
> So, wondering why people use Gentoo.  Put [dev] or something if you're an
> actual gentoo dev and [user] if you're a user.  Doesn't need to be fancy,
> you can put "community" or something if that's all you want.  All responses
> off list please.  Thanks.

I wanted to switch to Linux for a long time.  Always had Debian in mind  
(because of their FOSS attitude and community), then I asked a friend of  
mine to help me migrate.  He was a Gentoo user and offered to install  
that...was ok for me, it was just for testing.  So now I am stuck.
 Why I stayed?  Because of help available, because of the command line  
integration that is better than others I know (I even liked the MS DOS  
command line better than Windows 3.11), because of portage (despite all  
its short-comings).  And now because of the fun with the x86 project.


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