Hi Guys,

I've been very slack about announcing some of our new guys recently, and
not least Javier Villavicencio.

Javier, known on IRC as The_Paya, joined us to work on all aspects
Gentoo/FreeBSD plus anything else he can throw his skills at! Coming
from Argentina he has an interest in fishing, high end hardware and
playing with imaging apps.

Javier has also done a great job of infiltrating yet another company
with production servers running Gentoo :)

I'm sure I'm not the only one to throw thank-you's and welcome him on
board! Here's to a long and enjoyable involvement with Gentoo!

Role:            Gentoo Linux Kernel Lead
Gentoo Linux:    http://www.gentoo.org
Public Key:      gpg --recv-keys 9C745515
Key fingerprint: A0AF F3C8 D699 A05A EC5C  24F7 95AA 241D 9C74 5515

Attachment: pgpgN7QPT6GIz.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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