On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 07:15 +0000, Wiktor Wandachowicz wrote:
> But to be honest, stabilization of packages was not my point. ((BTW, stable
> X.org, KDE or GNOME would IMO delay the release for a week, so users wouldn't
> need to upgrade in such a short time frame - but that's what I think))

People seem to think that the Release Engineering team doesn't talk with
the GNOME/X/KDE/kernel teams.  We *know* when they're planning on going
stable and we work with them.  How do we know this?  Was *ask* them.
Here's a good example.  We took our snapshot for 2006.1 *before* GNOME
2.14 went stable on *any* arches.  However, we worked with both the arch
teams *and* the GNOME team to mark it stable in our snapshot on
architectures who wanted to participate.  Why did we do this? to avoid
this exact situation.

I really wish people would take the time to either ask the Release
Engineering team, or learn how we work before they go off making
accusations against us.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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