Hi devs,

it's about the time that some files in CVS need to be
cleaned out.  The CVS-partition on lark is getting small
again and I want to push the maintenance-resize a little bit

See attached a list of Attic-files which are +500k in size.
If you want to keep one of these files, tell me.  Otherwise
I'll remove them on Sunday.

Regards, Lars

Lars Weiler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  +49-171-1963258
Gentoo Linux PowerPC    : Strategical Lead and Release Engineer
Gentoo Infrastructure   : CVS Administrator
Gentoo Foundation       : Trustee
lark cvsroot # find . -size +500k -printf "%s\t%Ax %AT\t%p\n" | grep -i attic
714180  05/04/06 09:11:11       
1782733 05/04/06 09:11:44       
1861006 05/04/06 09:11:49       
1868565 05/04/06 09:11:50       
1779374 05/04/06 09:11:51       
545876  05/04/06 09:11:57       
545890  05/04/06 09:12:04       
608310  05/04/06 09:12:32       
608293  05/04/06 09:12:32       
608302  05/04/06 09:12:32       
622970  05/04/06 09:12:34       
622957  05/04/06 09:12:34       
622043  05/04/06 09:12:34       
622587  05/04/06 09:12:35       
622587  05/04/06 09:12:35       
622804  05/04/06 09:12:38       
622594  05/04/06 09:12:39       
707993  05/04/06 09:12:39       
645106  05/04/06 09:12:39       
688842  05/04/06 09:12:39       
640435  05/04/06 09:12:40       
647281  05/04/06 09:12:40       
641643  05/04/06 09:12:40       
641657  05/04/06 09:12:42       
641645  05/04/06 09:12:43       
798211  05/04/06 09:12:50       
798211  05/04/06 09:12:50       
798211  05/04/06 09:12:50       
798200  05/04/06 09:12:51       
798200  05/04/06 09:12:51       
629388  05/04/06 09:12:53       
1107328 05/04/06 09:12:58       
1106960 05/04/06 09:13:00       
1062082 05/04/06 09:13:00       
1428663 06/20/06 19:36:16       
1310647 05/04/06 09:13:00       
738489  05/04/06 09:13:00       
1110884 05/04/06 09:13:00       
533060  05/04/06 09:13:00       
1124800 05/04/06 09:13:00       
3581300 05/19/06 15:58:43       
1158385 05/04/06 09:13:00       
1161081 05/04/06 09:13:00       
3357322 05/04/06 09:13:01       
705765  07/03/06 13:35:34       
571367  05/04/06 09:15:45       ./gentoo/xml/images/shots/Attic/johnm.png,v
620673  05/04/06 09:15:45       ./gentoo/xml/images/shots/Attic/spyderous.png,v
1268974 05/04/06 09:15:46       ./gentoo/xml/images/shots/Attic/vapier.png,v
1326754 05/04/06 09:15:46       ./gentoo/xml/images/shots/Attic/brad.png,v
641827  05/04/06 09:15:46       ./gentoo/xml/images/shots/Attic/g2boojum.png,v
950170  05/04/06 09:15:46       ./gentoo/xml/images/shots/Attic/jpcr.png,v
1533956 05/04/06 09:15:47       ./gentoo/xml/images/shots/Attic/blkdeath.png,v
636859  05/04/06 09:15:47       
588485  05/04/06 09:15:47       ./gentoo/xml/images/shots/Attic/gerrynjr.png,v
992319  05/04/06 09:15:54       
1141083 05/04/06 09:15:54       
893991  05/04/06 09:15:54       
2352045 05/04/06 09:15:54       
1129903 05/04/06 09:15:54       
1934748 05/04/06 09:15:54       
970651  05/04/06 09:15:55       
930151  05/04/06 09:15:55       
1015421 05/04/06 09:15:55       
902529  05/04/06 09:15:55       
914049  05/04/06 09:15:55       
1788049 05/04/06 09:15:56       
857652  05/04/06 09:15:56       
729944  05/04/06 09:15:56       
844545  05/04/06 09:15:56       
886889  05/04/06 09:15:56       
995679  05/04/06 09:15:56       
1039625 05/04/06 09:15:56       
1442695 05/04/06 09:16:00       ./gentoo/misc/dev-pics/Attic/psi29a.png,v
858124  05/04/06 09:16:00       ./gentoo/misc/dev-pics/Attic/sethbc.jpg,v
5699390 05/04/06 09:16:00       ./gentoo/misc/dev-pics/Attic/world.jpg,v
691606  05/04/06 09:16:01       ./gentoo/misc/dev-pics/Attic/ikke.png,v
2041706 05/04/06 09:16:25       
516597  05/04/06 09:16:51       
3424633 05/04/06 09:17:38       
846485  05/04/06 09:21:34       
620111  05/04/06 09:24:27       
620160  05/04/06 09:24:28       
1256499 05/04/06 09:24:52       
1041128 05/04/06 09:27:18       
1482707 05/04/06 09:27:18       
1478668 05/04/06 09:27:18       
1477797 05/04/06 09:27:18       
2216468 05/04/06 09:27:18       
1478622 05/04/06 09:27:18       
1478730 05/04/06 09:27:18       
1479558 05/04/06 09:27:18       
623685  05/04/06 09:27:26       
643716  05/04/06 09:27:27       
1052724 05/04/06 09:27:31       
515496  05/04/06 09:44:21       
558168  05/04/06 09:49:40       
2259591 05/04/06 09:50:37       
1625178 05/04/06 09:50:37       
2511636 05/04/06 09:50:38       
3152689 05/04/06 09:50:39       
1626244 05/04/06 09:50:39       
3325960 05/04/06 09:50:40       
1355122 05/04/06 09:50:40       
708154  05/04/06 09:50:40       
708152  05/04/06 09:50:40       
2406157 05/04/06 09:50:41       
708138  05/04/06 09:50:41       
2405391 05/04/06 09:50:41       
2280892 05/04/06 09:50:48       ./gentoo-src/cd-tools/Attic/bzImage,v
628900  05/04/06 09:50:58       
614731  05/04/06 09:51:00       
614746  05/04/06 09:51:00       
614762  05/04/06 09:51:00       
522005  05/04/06 09:51:09       
858154  05/04/06 09:51:30       ./gentoo-src/dev-pics/Attic/sethbc.jpg,v
3473523 05/04/06 09:51:32       ./gentoo-src/dev-pics/Attic/world.jpg,v
992335  05/04/06 09:51:50       
1141099 05/04/06 09:51:50       
894007  05/04/06 09:51:50       
2352061 05/04/06 09:51:50       
1129919 05/04/06 09:51:51       
1934764 05/04/06 09:51:51       
636883  05/04/06 09:52:10       
607183  05/04/06 09:52:11       
1141082 05/04/06 09:52:11       
893990  05/04/06 09:52:11       
636859  05/04/06 09:52:11       
2352044 05/04/06 09:52:12       
1129913 05/04/06 09:52:12       
749814  05/04/06 09:52:12       

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Description: PGP signature

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