On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 18:11:24 +0200
Enrico Weigelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Thomas Cort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > You should look for existing tools which could be enhanced before
> > suggesting a new one. `bugz post` (from www-client/pybugz) allows
> > you to submit a new bug report from the command line. Why don't you
> > go and patch that to do all of the automated things you want it to
> > do and then come back and show us?
> I personally dislike python, and I'm not skilled enough in this 
> language. So I'm not the right one for coding @ pybugz.
> But I'm working on my own tool, written in java. It's not very 
> good yet (currently can only file new bugs), but it's from ground up 
> independent from the actual tracker software (drivers for virtually
> any issue tracker could be plugged in). If anyone likes to have a 
> look at it, please drop a note to me.

Well, if you want this to be a default tool on Gentoo then java is not
really an option (possible options are C, C++, bash, perl or python
where bash and python are the preferred options).


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