On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 10:59:48PM -0700, Zac Medico wrote:
> Brian Harring wrote:
> > Said single inheritance protection was added 06/05/06 (rev 3544), 
> > stabled for x86 roughly 06/22/06.
> > 
> > Hasn't even yet made it to a release media- meaning folk installing 
> > from the most current release media still can get bit in the ass by 
> > switching to an N parent from the get go.
> I'm not sure what the probability of people hurting themselves like 
> this is.

Probably is related to how quickly N profile is uptaken, how 
widespread, and (assuming it's used to do base profile, and shallow 
decoration, gnome specific fex) ordering of the base profile vs the 
shallow profile.

> Perhaps it's a negligible corner case and a note in the 
> upgrade guide will be enough to keep the vast majority of users on 
> the right track.

Upgrade guide being what, profile deprecated notices?

> I'd hope that a user would be wise enough to read 
> some docs prior to switching to a new profile with a potentially 
> outdated version of portage.

And users hope that the developers don't leave land mines around :)

This *can* be one helluva land mine; I already listed ways to at least 
manually address it from a dev standpoint (forced portage deps in each 

Like I said in the last email (and was snipped from the response), 
this needs to level additional protective measures to avoid users 
getting bit- it should be seemless (well aware that's not always 

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