> > In the past, it's been more or less agreed that it's not depending
> > upon it if it uses an open data format... There was talk of moving the
> > forums to proprietary software at one point, for example.
> I see. Thanks for the clarification, Ciaran. (Though as an aside,
> I'd like to mention that it'd still be a bad idea to do so. :P)

I think my reply from a non-dev email address got eaten, so I'll reply again:

1) Jira can produce automated backups/exports of the database in XML format, 
which means we can always write a tool to convert the data to a format 
acceptable to any other bug mngmt software anytime we want.

2) It imports from bugzilla

3) Free license and apparently even some free support and infrastructure 
management for open-source projects.  Apparently, they donated one of the bug 
db's that the apache software foundation is using, for instance. 


4) There is some nice functionality to integrate with cvs, subversion, etc if 
we ever find a use for that.

However, I was just throwing out the jira stuff as an idea and my 2 cents 
given the concerns about bugzilla.   The current db running on myisam table 
format is rather scary, given gentoo's size. 

Matthew Marlowe ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Yahoo IM: deploylinuxconsulting
       Tel: 805-857-9144    
          Oak Park, CA

"All of a sudden, Larry the cow was 
 in control. And, he liked it"
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