On 8/4/06, Renat Lumpau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 01:48:50AM -0600, m h wrote:
> Hey folks-
> (Shamelessly copied from my blog[1]  )...
> I'm working on an open source tool for managing war files called
> warconfig (warconfig is/should be to wars as webappconfig is to php
> apps). We have a need for this at work. I have a pretty detailed write
> up here [2]. Warconfig is a tool for deploying, upgrading, and rolling
> back war files on Tomcat (currently only version 5.5 on Gentoo has
> been tested, though with a little love it should work on Windows and
> anywhere else that tomcat does. Support for additional app servers
> should be pretty easy to implement).

Have you looked at Cargo? http://cargo.codehaus.org/

I figured I'd get this question.  i briefly played with cargo.  (In
fact I'm planning on asking the cargo people for feedback as week).
Perhaps if one are interested in manipulating wars from ant/maven,
cargo is the way to go.  But cargo didn't provide any commandline
interface, and I'm not doing anything (currently) that requires having
access to the java api of the containers.  I'm basically
copying/symlinking files.  (It could be done with a shell script, but
that would make it harder to maintain (IMO) and not work on windows
(without cygwin, which isn't really an option for me)).

I really prefer scripting in python to java (though if cargo really is
the way to go, my code just needs a few changes to run under jython).
Or I could port it to java...

Renat Lumpau       all things web-apps
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