Brian Harring wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 02, 2006 at 08:05:15PM +0200, Carsten Lohrke wrote:
>> First I'd like to state that I do offer my opinion. You don't have to like 
>> it, 
>> but disqualifying it as flaming, while exactly doing this yourself, 
>> disqualifies you.
> *cough*.  bit hypocritical for you to lecture me about viewing 
> your statements as 'flaming', and in the same breath label 
> my own as 'flaming' ;)
> Why am I pointing this out?  My initial points were that of "why the 
> double standard", with you providing an apt example (while that's 
> barbed, you did provide a perfect refresher of the definition).
>> I'd appreciate, if you would try to have a controversial 
>> discussion, without starting to loose your manners.
> And I'd appreciate a less condescending tone.

Can you two please stop with this child-like circle of blame? Its really
starting to get old. You don't need to have the last word on every
argument (either of you). If neither of you can agree, then just agree
to disagree. *gasp* Yes, that is an option in a technical debate. No
matter what either of you two think is technically right, you're both
right and both wrong.

/me goes back to lurking

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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