> Some notes on some of the other people from my POV..
> -- Busy/Next Year/Other --
> dostrow (not around enough)

I'd agree that my availability over the past 6 months has been spotty at
best. I was ramping up for a cross country move and all that that
entails as well as dealing with a new position at work which was keeping
me more busy then I thought I could have been. While I'm willing to
state that I will be around more from here on out as I'm done moving and
have settled into the routine that my job requires I believe that my
prior record of availability  (as it is all you have to go by) should
certainly be taken into account. Thanks for bringing this point up
solar. I'd still like to be considered as I believe I have a lot to
offer but when you all are voting it should be something you are
thinking about.



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