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Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Knowing what the problem is is part of making the solution. The problem
> is not that users can't push arbitrary content into a centralised
> official repository with no oversight from the herds appropriate for
> said content quickly enough. I didn't claim to know exactly what the
> real problem is, merely that it's not what's being solved here.

There is a lot of irony in this entire discussion. We are actually
talking about going against what the heck part of the reason this
project was started. Are we seriously that *can't find the word I'm
looking for* idiotically to not see that we're arguing over not
allowing a user a choice in what they want to do. That we are so high
and mighty that we automatically know what is better for the user then
they themselves know? Who defined us as the ones to make that choice
for someone else, when we are supposedly about allowing choice.

That is the issue at hand at the core of this. Its called choice.
People can choose to use a separate program to download the sunrise
overlays. That separates it entirely from the core tree itself. A
disclaimer for checking out could be added that is prominent that will
warn that these are a service provided to the community from the
community. That those who have gone through the "developer mentorship"
will continue to work on the core of the heart of gentoo, allowing us
to focus and make the product so much better and quicker that you'll
be blindsided with the new improved product. We'll have a rebirth so
to speak.

Bloody, I mean seriously...think about what it is we are arguing over,
and then remember what gentoo is, why you came to it in the first
place. That will probably tell you where it should go.

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