On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 10:34 +0100, Roy Bamford wrote:
> Maybe this semi-automatic stabilisation by default could be adopted by  
> the tree cleaners project?

I propose that we remove the name "project" from any "team" that really
consists of only one or two people.  I think part of the problem is that
many people assume that because there is a project, there must be some
kind of support structure behind it.  Another thing that doesn't help is
the number of people that "join" a project, but don't actually *do*
anything for the project.

I implore all developers to do the following.  If you are listed as a
member of a project, but aren't actively participating, remove yourself
from the list.  Perhaps if our tools showed the real state of things,
rather than the utopian non-truth, we would get help in the places where
it is really needed.

A good example of this is the x86 team.  There are currently 15
developers listed.  At most, 5 of them are active on the team.  This
makes it look like the team has plenty of help, when the truth is that
the team is barely managing to keep their heads above water.  Users
don't know that the team needs help, because the numbers look so large
artificially.  This problem gives everyone the wrong impression of the
state of affairs within Gentoo and keeps us from being able to get help
or provide help in the areas that need it most.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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