According to the TLP policies, project leads have to be voted upon (or
lose the lottery) for each project once a year at least.
As a consequence, i've been nice to all the members of the forums
project for the last weeks (hey, i even made a trip to the Gentoo UK
meeting to bribe Tom and Jonathan with beer).
Appearently my plan worked, and i got re-elected - however we decided
that instead of project lead and co-leads we're going to have two
equal leads - me and Anders (kallamej).
This reflects the way we've been working anyway for the last year and
is in no way a consequence of an incident involving a ninja, me, a
fairy costume and a pony.

Tom (tomk) was and will be leader of the technical subproject, which
is responsible for risking innocent people's lives and sanity in the
dangerous, toxic phpBB mines digging for code. Our (as of this moment)
former co lead Ian will also join him in the subproject formally, as
he's been doing that stuff anyway more than anything else.

So, having said all that formal stuff, i'd also like to thank everyone
who helped with the forums project in the last year, be it as a
moderator, phpBB hacker, infra monkey, helpful user or someone i just
forgot to mention now. I really enjoy Gentoo and especially the
forums, so i'm looking forward to the next year.


Wernfried Haas (amne) - amne at gentoo dot org
Gentoo Forums:
IRC: #gentoo-forums on freenode - email: forum-mods at gentoo dot org

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