Hi All,

As a little weekend project, I wrote a command line interface to
bugzilla in Python that is targetted to Gentoo's bugzilla (but also
generalisable to other bugzillas with a little code modification). It
can do the following:

* search bugzilla and output a table of bugs: bugz search <keyword>
* list bug details (incl comments and attachment): bugz get <bugid>
* get attachments: bugz attachment <attachid>
* post attachments: bugz attach <bugid> <filename>
* modify bug: bugz modify <bugid> -c "here is a new comment" --fixed

I know there's gentoo-bugger, which is great, but it's in perl and I
couldn't figure out how to modify the output to suit my needs. 

Here's the README attached if you're interested in how it might work for
you to become more efficient when dealing with Gentoo's Bugzilla. 

You can get it either via my portage overlay in:
or as a python distutils compat tarball in

Hope maybe some people might find it useful.


PyBugz - Python Bugzilla Interface

Bugzilla has a very inefficient user interface, so I've written a
command line utility to interact with it. This is mainly done to help
me with closing bugs on Gentoo Bugzilla by grabbing patches, ebuilds
and so on.

Alastair Tse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Copyright (c) 2006 under GPL-2.

* Searching bugzilla
* Listing details of a bug including comments and attachments
* Downloading/viewing attachments from bugzilla
* Posting comments, and making changes to an existing bug.
* Adding attachments to a bug.


PyBugz comes with a command line interface called "bugz". It's
operation is similar in style to cvs/svn where a subcommand is
required for operation. 

To explain how it works, I will use a typical workflow for Gentoo

1) Searching bugzilla for bugs I can fix, I'll run the command:

$ bugz search "version bump" --assigned [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Using http://bugs.gentoo.org/ ..
 * Searching for "version bump" ordered by "number"
 101968 liquidx              net-im/msnlib version bump
 125468 liquidx              version bump for dev-libs/g-wrap-1.9.6
 130608 liquidx              app-dicts/stardict version bump: 2.4.7

2) Narrow down on bug #101968, I can execute:

$ bugz get 101968

 * Using http://bugs.gentoo.org/ ..
 * Getting bug 130608 ..
Title       : app-dicts/stardict version bump: 2.4.7
Assignee    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reported    : 2006-04-20 07:36 PST
Updated     : 2006-05-29 23:18:12 PST
Status      : NEW
URL         : http://stardict.sf.net
Severity    : enhancement
Reporter    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Priority    : P2
Comments    : 3
Attachments : 1

[ATTACH] [87844] [stardict 2.4.7 ebuild]

[Comment #1] [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 2006-04-20 07:36 PST

3) Now this bug has an attachment submitted by the user, so I can
   easily pull that attachment in:

$ bugz attachment 87844

 * Using http://bugs.gentoo.org/ ..
 * Getting attachment 87844
 * Saving attachment: "stardict-2.4.7.ebuild"

4) If the ebuild is suitable, we can commit it using our normal
   repoman tools, and close the bug.

$ bugz modify 130608 --fixed -c "Thanks for the ebuild. Committed to

or if we find that the bug is invalid, we can close it by using:

$ bugz modify 130608 --invalid -c "Not reproducable"

Other options

There is extensive help in `bugz --help` and `bugz <subcommand>
--help` for additional options. 

bugz.py can be easily adapted for other bugzillas by changing
BugzConfig to match the configuration of your target
bugzilla. However, I haven't spent much time on using it with other
bugzillas out there. If you do have changes that will make it easier,
please let me know.

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