Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> With the help of Brian Harring, we've now got a check for unported
> packages. It indicates 207 unported packages, of which 93 can
> potentially be fixed by stabilizing newer versions and pulling unported
> ebuilds from the tree.

Having fun again here ... I've made a list of the "violators" (herds or
devs) with more than 1 package. There are 62 unmaintained packages, for
which the x11 team will probably end up filing stable bugs ourselves
when it's possible to fix by stabling.

As long as your unported ebuilds are in the tree, there will be many
dependency issues because we're forced to leave virtual/x11-7 in to
provide for their broken deps. That was a hack to begin with, and it
needs to end.

     53 xfce
     11 video
     10 sound
      9 desktop-wm
      8 media-video
      7 cjk
      7 afterstep
      6 graphics
      6 desktop-misc
      5 sci
      5 taviso
      4 stuart
      4 dragonheart
      3 netmon
      3 commonbox
      3 vapier
      2 zypher
      2 usata
      2 lordvan
      2 dholm
      2 azarah
      2 X11-drivers
      2 net-p2p
      2 net-news
      2 media-tv
      2 games
      2 cluster


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