Brian Harring wrote:

> That said, y'all _should_ have a fairly vanilla base configuration 
> across all servers (base kernel config, firewalling, grsec config, 
> etc).  Further, y'all were running lighttpd last I knew- so y'all 
> should be tracking it for securities concerns already... and this 
> particular setup is pretty damn simple (no dynamic, straight 
> dir_index).

Nope, been talked about for the patches stuff (which is related to
this). but never have been actually implemented.

> Talk to web crew, stuart in particular.  Beyond them (their 
> complaints/issues predate my time of managing the mirror image), folks 
> _do_ screw up and needed to raid files from the mirror (lost patches 
> in particular), requests I used to take care of.
> Every few months is a rough rate going by memory at 8:30am.  Not huge, 
> but as said, if need to provide access to gpl'd sources for bin (not 
> just releng cds btw, people are forgetting we have precompiled pkgs in 
> the tree also), it _is_ a potential route for handling that 
> requirement while killing off another bit of manual work.

If its that rare, it doesn't need to be a public service. We can easily
deal with those on a case by case basis. Of course, we'd need to
document this so that people know how to get it in case they want it.

> Am I stating there is a 'sudden demand'?  I don't see throngs of folks 
> screaming for a fallback tier (am seeing people screaming for 
> patches.g.o, which is inline with this), thing is y'all have to 
> archive this stuff and I'm pointing out a way to make it not suck and 
> provide some extra functionality with minimal cost.

Yes, patches.g.o (or whatever it will be called) will fix a lot of these
issues. So there's no need to go into circles for that part of it. I'm
mainly talking about the archived stuff that is old and won't be
included on the patches.g.o right off. I don't see the need to have a
public service for those old ones unless the demand is there.

> Suggest others are given time to weigh in on this rather then 
> restating that you don't think there is demand for it.
> Nobody yays it, hey, folks have spoken and y'all go with the same 
> non public backup.

I agree. I'm not shutting it down, I'm just stating that I don't see the
demand for creating a service for it. Unless I'm proven wrong, I will
keep my stance on this.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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