- GLEP49/GLEP50/Alternate package managers: both GLEP49 and GLEP50 are inappropriate solutions. the new proto-tree idea spawned by spb on the gentoo-dev mailing list looks like the correct path to move forward, so he will be doing the footwork and ironing out the details with the portage team.
- sunrise status: one of the basic ideas of sunrise (opening up the dev process to newcomers) is wholeheartedly supported by the council. however, the current implementation details are found to be lacking and the community concern is much too great to ignore. so the project will stay suspended indefinitely until all such concerns can be fully addressed. unadulterated log of the meeting will be synced out to the servers in a bit: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20060616.txt -mike
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