Hi folks,

I'm maintaining patches with fixes for dozens of packages for 
quite some time. These patches are needed since releases are 
often quite broken (ie. crosscompiling doesn't work) or there 
are other things which make sysop's or distro maintainer's 
life evrything but easy.

Most of the patches are just (little) fixes to get the packages
built properly or provide a finer build configuration. I had to 
learn that such things tend to require quite a long time to
get into the upstream.

So I'm maintaining a repository of patches which is directly used
by my distro builder (I've got my own buildsystem a little bit 
like emerge, but specialized on building for foreign systems
using sysroot'ed crosscompiling, etc, mainly for embedded systems)

Since many distros maintain their own patch repositories and 
ivest mucht work in QM each by their own, I'd like to get these
efforts merged to one great OpenSource QM project. 

The idea behind is:

+ Each individual release of a certain package is inspected
  by its own. 
+ The OSS-QM provides patches (hotfixes) for each individual 
  release, if necessary.
+ We've got several quality stamps, which an (maybe patched)
  release can get, ie. 
  * clean builds
  * clean installations
  * relocation capabilities (ie. GNU's or FHS style)
  * optimization capabilities (ie. can proper CFLAGS be passed ?)
  * stability (open bugs ? unsolved problems ? ...)

I've written down some lines about this project in my wiki:

Maybe someone here's interested in it ?

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service

  phone:     +49 36207 519931         www:       http://www.metux.de/
  fax:       +49 36207 519932         email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cellphone: +49 174 7066481
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