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Hi everyone,

Despite the best efforts of a lot of folks off-list (you know who you are,
and many thanks to you all), it hasn't been possible to sort out the
disagreements between the Sunrise project and other Gentoo developers.

Brix came to me (as o.g.o lead) this afternoon to complain about the Sunrise
project being on o.g.o.  We discussed the situation, and agreed that there
simply isn't a consensus about whether or not the Sunrise project should exist.

My personal position is that o.g.o is a resource for the *whole* of Gentoo;
all projects, all devs, and all users.  That includes Sunrise, as long as
they are a Gentoo project.  By _permanently_ kicking Sunrise off o.g.o, we'd
effectively be shutting down the project, and telling the folks behind it
that their work on it isn't welcome inside Gentoo.

That's not my decision to make, as o.g.o lead.  That decision rightly
belongs with the Council.  I'm referring this to the Council for them to decide.

I've suspended the Sunrise overlay on o.g.o until the Council has decided
things one way or another.  The wiki has been switched to read-only, and the
subversion repository is no longer accessible at all.

This has been discussed in advance with both sides, and both sides have
agreed that this is the right course of action to take.  In particular I'd
like to thank the Sunrise folks for agreeing to this, in an effort to focus
the on-going discussion on how the project can best benefit Gentoo as a whole.

The #gentoo-sunrise channel continues to exist, and the folks in there are
continuing to refine their plans for the project.  The project isn't dead,
and if the Council decide that Sunrise can continue, the overlay can be
re-activated within a few minutes.

Best regards,
- --
Stuart Herbert                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gentoo Developer                                   http://www.gentoo.org/
~                                           http://blog.stuartherbert.com/

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- --
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