On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 07:30:25PM -0400, Alec Warner wrote:
> So we created this awesome alias to put ebuilds that need a maintainer.
>  Good idea at the time, decent idea still.  The problem?  We have nearly
> 2000 open bugs assigned to maintainer-wanted[1].  I would like to
> discuss policy on these.  Do we keep them, do we get a group of people
> to slowly review and discard them?  Do we mind having a ton of things
> open like this (a quasi-ebuild db of sorts).  Is bugs the right place
> FOR THIs sort of thing, or can we improve somewhere/how?
Could we establish policies for closing them or leaving them to sit

- Upstream dead, previously submitted URLs no longer functional (yes,
  there are actually some like this!).
- No ebuild included.
- Upstream says obsolete in favour of another package.
- Dev notes obsolete in favour of another package - suggest it to the
  submitter, and see what they say.
- Major unresolved security issues.
- Excessive complexity / unsuitable for ebuild installs (eg apps that
  are meant to be built and run from the same directory).

I'm in favour of leaving stuff sitting there, until a developer with a
need comes along (I wouldn't use an untrusted tree even if there was

At the same time, existing developers and teams should be encouraged to
look at those under maintainer-wanted, and consider stuff there.
I try to keep an eye out for app-backup and other fields that I'm
involved in.

Robin Hugh Johnson
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