On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 06:30:47PM -0700, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> [snip]


I think I improved the eclass a bit by making it more efficient both
disk and network wise among other things:

-  Branchs are supported so different versions of the ebuild can use
   different versions of the code without duplicating objects.

-  Once you cloned the first time, following installations only fetch
   updates for the branch you are going to use.

-  It clones a 'bare' repository, i.e. without a working copy, thus
   saving disk space.

-  Uses 'git tar-tree' instead of 'rsync' to checkout a particular
   commitish (EGIT_TREE).

-  It is able to repack and prune the repository to save disk space and
   improve performance. Ebuilds can override this behavior by setting
   EGIT_{PRUNE,REPACK} to false.

I also bash'ified the eclass, I don't know if this is a good thing but
makes things easier to read (at least for me). Everything should work
perfectly on bash2 systems.

I'd like people who use Git eclass to test it and see if any of the
'features' I introduced break things for them.

Also, git-sources *should* use this eclass once it is in the tree since
people using it will save _lots_ of bandwidth and disk space.

Latest version is in my public overlay[1].

- ferdy

[1] http://dev.gentoo.org/~ferdy/overlay/eclass/git.eclass

Fernando J. Pereda Garcimartín
Gentoo Developer (Alpha,net-mail,mutt,git)
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