On Wednesday 17 May 2006 17:55, Duncan wrote:
> Paul de Vrieze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Wed, 17 May
> 2006 17:11:04 +0200:
> > Let's make clear why I put this in. Basically I am of the opinion that
> > until a decision is made to make (in this case) paludis the primary
> > package manager, all official packages should work with portage. Package
> > masked packages are not considered official.
> Wasn't it stated that the mechanism paludis uses to hide ebuilds that
> won't work in portage from portage is to mask them to it?
> IOW, this is already the way it is being handled.  If masked packages
> aren't official, and ebuilds that require features only in paludis are
> masked as far as portage is concerned, then that checkbox can be checked
> off.

No, these packages are available to paludis, but not to portage. Basically 
making a case for the use of paludis. I don't think that the decision to 
replace portage should be made in that way.

Please note that what I say is not specific to paludis. Paludis is here just a 
name for any package management contender.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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