On Wednesday 03 May 2006 10:37, Jakub Moc wrote:
> Roy Marples wrote:
> > RC_HOTPLUG="yes|no"
> > RC_COLDPLUG="yes|no"
> > RC_PLUG_SERVICES="net.wlan !net.*"
> >
> > or
> >
> > RC_HOTPLUG="yes|no|net.wlan !net.*"
> > RC_COLDPLUG="yes|no|net.wlan !net.*"
> I'm afraid I don't get the exact difference :P, but what about honoring
> both yes|no and list of services.

Well, the first example is my new idea
The second example is what we used todo (before the last patch I wanged in), 
but one day some bright spark may create a service called "no" and expect it 
to be coldpluggable ....

pre19-r1 is like RC_COLDPLUG="*" and doesn't honour yes/no, hence this email.

> Anyway, what we really need is ability to turn off that coldplug thing
> *completely* on *udev* level and restore some sanity. I really don't
> need to have my TV card coldplugged at the point when /dev is being
> populated by devices (e.g.,  Bug 130766 or Bug 128962).

Not going to help 128962 as the firewire module is already loaded and has 
taken eth0 ....

> Also I'd like to note that coldplugging network devices in such way may
> be a security risk as well, as firewall gets started much later than net
> gets started. There's Bug 119613 about this. There was also Bug 78495
> about this, got solved on hotplug level, but the latest udev versions
> moved the problem to coldplug level instead (even worse IMHO).

Add your firewall script to the boot runlevel and depend like so

depend() {
   before net


> Last point - there's also that hotplug_$iface="no" thing in
> /etc/conf.d/net - wouldn't it be better to all keep network-related
> settings in one place? I.e., adding coldplug_$iface="yes|no" there
> instead, and use RC_{HOTPLUG,COLDPLUG} in /etc/conf.d/rc for other
> services only?

hotplug_$iface was a fudge, a very bad idea that has been removed baelayout.
If baselayout is to have any hotplug/coldplug control it should be on a 
service level and not just a network level.

Gentoo/Linux Developer (baselayout, networking)

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