As many of you know by now, Gentoo has been chosen to fill one of the last spaces in this year's Google Summer of Code. This is a great opportunity for developers and users to interact and help out Gentoo as well as the OSS community.
For those of you who haven't heard of Google's Summer of Code, here is a quick overview. Google's SoC is an initiative whereby Google funds the development of a selected number of OSS projects. This year, only students are allowed to do actual development for Google's SoC. But anyone who is a Gentoo developer can mentor a Student on one of the projects for which Gentoo is the Mentoring Organization. The role of a Mentor is as someone who has knowledge in the project domain and can assist the student in a strategic development role, as opposed to actually writing code. Mentors are involved in evaluating the work of the student and monitoring the project's progress, and is also instrumental in enabling the student to complete the project by providing the student with the tools needed to complete the project (think about someone who needs read-only cvs access to the tree, for example). Prospective Mentors: All Gentoo developers should have received the mail sent to -core about Gentoo's acceptance into Google SoC. The information and links to sign up as a Mentor for Gentoo are enclosed in that mail, whose message ID has been provided for your reference [1]. If you are interested please see the -core e-mail for details, as well as the Mentor FAQ[6]. You cannot be both a Mentor and a Student in SoC. Please choose carefully which role you will play. Those who are not Gentoo developers may stll apply for the role of Mentor on behalf of Gentoo. If you are not a Gentoo developer but are interested in applying, please stop by the IRC[4] channel or send mail to Gentoo User Relations[7]. Please have a few projects in mind when applying for Mentorship. The Gentoo SoC team is hoping to have more Mentors than projects; backup Mentors are encourage by Google. Attention Gentoo developers: You cannot be both a Mentor and a Student, so please be aware that you must work on a proposal that is different from your normal Gentoo work if you are looking to participate in SoC as a Student. Mentors, if you have applied and have not yet heard back please contact the Gentoo SoC project leads for the outcome of your application[2]. Prospective Students: If you are interested in participating as a student with Gentoo for the SoC, please take a look at our current project list[2]. Note that it is undergoing continuous improvement as we add proposals, Mentors, etc. All interested students should refer to Google's Student FAQ[3] to check whether they are eligible to participate in the SoC with Gentoo. For Gentoo developers who are also Students, you are probably eligible to work on SoC for Gentoo provided you work on a proposal that is in a different area than your normal Gentoo developer work. Once again please check the Student FAQ[3] for more details. Student applications are open May 1st through the 8th. The URL for the student application is not yet known. The project page will be updated with the link as soon as we receive it from Google. Project Ideas/Discussion: Anyone can submit project ideas and contribute to the discussion of existing project ideas. Those who have new ideas or comments on existing ideas for Gentoo's SoC, please submit them via E-mail to the Gentoo SoC mailing list[4] or on IRC[5]. If you are unsure of your idea or wish to ask questions you may do so via the same means. As always, feel free to ask any questions using those two avenues of communication to ensure that the correct people receive your thoughts. Thanks, The Gentoo Summer Of Code Project [1] Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2] [3] [4] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [5] #gentoo-soc @ [6] [7] [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- mailing list