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I've attached a log of today's meeting.
The agenda included Gentoo's participation in Google's Summer of Code
and an update on portage gpg signing.  In the former case, Gentoo has
applied to participate, and assuming we get one of the handful of
remaining slots then gerrynjr will be Gentoo's "organization
admininstrator" (with userrel's help) for the project.  In the latter
case, council developement of a reasonable key policy has stalled, and
they are soliciting GLEPs to help solve the problem.

19:00 <@g2boojum> Thank you all for being here.  Today's agenda includes (1) 
Google's Summer of Code, (2) an update on portage gpg signing, and (3) the 
usual developer floor.  We'll start w/ the Summer of Code.  gerrynjrserver?
19:00 -!- spb [EMAIL PROTECTED]/developer/spb] has joined #gentoo-council
19:00 -!- g2boojum changed the topic of #gentoo-council to: meeting at 1900UTC 
(proxies swift->fox2mike vapier->josejx az->uberlord||halcy0n 
agriffis->g2boojum) | Topic: Google SOC
19:00 < gerrynjrserver> well, I'd like to propose that gentoo sign up to join 
google's summer of code
19:01 < gerrynjrserver> if done, it would fall under the fairly new userrel 
19:01 < gerrynjrserver> seems like it will be an excellent pr opportunity and 
would possibly allow us to get some fresh, energetic developers in
19:02 < gerrynjrserver> I would definitely be willing to take on a lead 
position for this project
19:02 -!- agriffis [EMAIL PROTECTED]/developer/agriffis] has joined 
19:02 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [+o agriffis] by ChanServ
19:02 <@agriffis> hey g2boojum, I made it back in time (I think)
19:02 <@Koon> g2boojum: impostor !
19:02 <@agriffis> heh
19:02  * agriffis just walked in
19:02  * g2boojum continues to chair the meeting, but no longer votes.
19:03 < gerrynjrserver> this would entail overviewing proposed projects, 
maintianing a page of ideas developers have proposed, as well as keeping a list 
of possible mentors
19:03 <@agriffis> if you'd like, I can just duck back out :-)
19:03 < gerrynjrserver> would also ensure student summer of coders get thier 
review mid way
19:03 < gerrynjrserver> process shoould go this way
19:03 < gerrynjrserver> -students should be familiar with gentoo
19:03 <@Koon> gerrynjrserver: is there a point in catacting Google before we 
get a final list of projects ?
19:03 <@Koon> contacting
19:04 < gerrynjrserver> yes
19:04 < gerrynjrserver> contact has actually already been made
19:04 <@g2boojum> gerrynjrserver: You're willing to be Gentoo's "organization 
administrator", then? (http://code.google.com/soc/mentorfaq.html#2)
19:04 < gerrynjrserver> g2boojum: indeed
19:04 <@g2boojum> agriffis: No, please do stay!
19:04 < gerrynjrserver> contact has been mde by the userrel project, as it was 
thought that if we wait, it would be too late
19:04 < gerrynjrserver> and considering gentoo is shooting down most 
applications now, it was probably a wise decision
19:05 < nattfodd> s/gentoo/google/
19:05 < gerrynjrserver> (only 4 seats now remain, and we still do not yet know 
if we have been accepted)
19:05 < gerrynjrserver> but, we have not yet received a "denial" notice as most 
other new signups have received
19:05 < gerrynjrserver> nattfodd: thanks 8-)
19:05 <@Koon> gerrynjrserver: OK. When should the final list of projects be 
sent ? May 1st ?
19:06 < gerrynjrserver> yes
19:06 < gerrynjrserver> the following week students will be allowed to submit 
thier applications as well as ideas
19:06 < nattfodd> we also need a firm list of mentors by then
19:06 < gerrynjrserver> nattfodd: yes
19:07 <@g2boojum> Okay, any other questions from council members?
19:08 <@Koon> gerrynjrserver: Like I said, I approve that project, but a look 
on the list of proposed projects would be nice, even if I trust you to remove 
the non-worthy ones
19:08 < gerrynjrserver> Koon: of course
19:08 < gerrynjrserver> i've jsut been notified that gentoo is still on the 
"maybe" list
19:08 < gerrynjrserver> with two seats available
19:09 < gerrynjrserver> so.. still nto shot down
19:09 < gerrynjrserver> *not
19:09 < gerrynjrserver> (thanks christel)
19:09 <@g2boojum> Otherwise I'm going to suggest a vote on giving this an 
official "go-ahead".
19:09 <@Koon> gerrynjrserver: They decide  based on the org and not the project 
if I understand correctly
19:09 < gerrynjrserver> Koon: yes
19:09 <@Koon> voting yes for the go-ahead
19:09 < gerrynjrserver> i'd also request that a mailinglist be setup for this 
19:10 < gerrynjrserver> if we are accepted 8-)
19:10 <@solar> that wont be a problem. just file an -infra bug
19:10 < gerrynjrserver> will do
19:11 <@g2boojum> Is anybody actually opposed?
19:11 <@agriffis> sounds okay to me
19:11 -!- Irssi: #gentoo-council: Total of 13 nicks [7 ops, 0 halfops, 0 
voices, 6 normal]
19:11 <@JoseJX> I think it's a good idea to try to be involved.
19:11 <@Koon> and also a good trhing that someone stepped up to organize 
19:12 <@g2boojum> fox2mike, seemant?
19:12 <@Koon> good ideas are common, good ideas with people to support them is 
19:12 < gerrynjrserver> Koon: thanks for the compliment 8-)
19:14 <@solar> just try todo it right and not get us rejected from future SoC 
events for failing to follow up properly this summer. try accept ideas that are 
realistic and benefit *linux* vs just say gentoo.
19:14 < gerrynjrserver> solar: I will try
19:14 <@seemant> I'm all for it,
19:14 <@seemant> but yes @ solar's caveats
19:15 <@g2boojum> Okay, that's a strong majority.  Moving on to the next item, 
gpg signing in portage.  Koon?
19:15 <@Koon> gerrynjrserver: ideally, a backup organizer would be good, in 
case Real Life [tm] sucks you away
19:15 < gerrynjrserver> Koon: i've got christel 8-)
19:16 < gerrynjrserver> as a co-lead
19:16 < nattfodd> and there's also bonsaikitten_ and me ready to help wherever 
19:16 < gerrynjrserver> nattfodd: nod
19:16 <@Koon> We were supposed to do regular updates on progress on the portage 
tree signing functionality
19:16 <@Koon> There is not much progress to report on. It's a good idea but it 
lacks someone to push it
19:17 <@solar> status on it as far as I understand is still at a stalled 
process. The method of trust itself is not being solved
19:17 <@Koon> We @security still receive new bugs on that problem
19:17 <@Koon> solar: we are still waiting on key policy and web of trust
19:18 <@fox2mike> hey
19:18 <@g2boojum> Koon: I thought the council was drafting the key policy and 
19:18 <@fox2mike> sorry, I was fiddling with NetworkManager :|
19:18 <@Koon> I would go back to the simple-but-better-than-nothing one, since 
robbat2 didn't follow up on his proposal
19:18 <@fox2mike> g2boojum: here now, representing Swift
19:18 <@g2boojum> fox2mike: Thanks, good to have you.
19:19 <@Koon> The simple-but-better-than-nothing was discussed in a previous 
managers meeting from before the council time
19:20 <@fox2mike> g2boojum: and I'm for the SoC thingy (if I'm allowed to 
express opinion on Swift's behalf) :)
19:20 <@Koon> master key distributed with media and downloadable from the web 
used to authenticate the dev keyring
19:20 <@g2boojum> fox2mike: Absolutely.  Thanks.
19:20 <@Koon> no need to enter complicated mutual signing if we can't even do 
that one
19:21 <@Koon> and dev keyring maintained by devrel
19:22 <@g2boojum> Anybody else have anything to add on signing?
19:22 <@Koon> I just can't see any success here without someone stepping up to 
lead that part
19:22 <@Koon> unfortunately I already have trouble in doing my current job so I 
won't do it
19:23 <@g2boojum> Koon: Someone on the council, or just someone in general?
19:23 <@seemant> wouldn't it be ideal for a security team member to take the 
lead on it?
19:23 <@Koon> I'd say someone in general, with bones to take the usual -dev 
discussions there are when we discuss signing
19:24 <@Koon> seemant: there isn't much availability in the sec team, same as me
19:24 < nattfodd> what would it imply?
19:24 <@Koon> Even if recitment is in progress with a few promising peeps
19:24 <@Koon> recruitment
19:25 <@seemant> Koon: and is there remaining development needed on the portage 
side of things?
19:25 <@seemant> or at this point is it just choosing a system and implementing 
a policy?
19:25 <@Koon> nattfodd: do proper GLEPs and take the heat from gentoo-dev 
(saying do your own GLEP and have the council choose rather than trying to 
please everyone)
19:25 <@seemant> oh
19:25 <@solar> yes. eclasses are not signed. repoman still allows unsigned 
commits. and the entire portage tree is not signed
19:26 <@solar> now if we are using a single key. then it sounds like devs 
should not have to worry about signing at all. and it's all done from the cvs 
commit hooks
19:26 <@g2boojum> seemant: The portage folks are waiting on a policy to finish 
implementation.  There's a framework in place, though.
19:27 <@Koon> seemant: On that subject there are as much possibilities and 
proposals as there are people subscribed on -dev. And proposals are usually 
non-compatible. But telling people to formalize it in GLEP usually results in 0 
19:27 <@JoseJX> How many devs are signing now?
19:27 < nattfodd> Koon: I might be interested in doing that
19:27 < nattfodd> just need to go through those -dev discussions
19:27 <@solar> 60% of the tree is signed afaik
19:28 <@Koon> solar: we would still use dev keys, the master key would just 
authenticate the dev keyring, which would be downloaded with portage
19:28 <@Koon> that was the plan back then, and I still have to see a better and 
simpler proposal
19:29 <@Koon> emerge --sync would verify integrity of the dev keyring as part 
of the sync process
19:29 <@Koon> using a trusted master key seeded by install media / web download
19:29 <@Koon> you can even update the master key that way
19:30 <@Koon> nattfodd: you should also look back at those old managers 
meetings logs
19:30 <@Koon> where the thing was sorted out after the last -dev flamefest on 
the subject
19:31 < nattfodd> Koon: will do
19:31 <@Koon> back then the problem was "how do we maintain the keyring" and 
LDAP fud
19:31 <@seemant> nattfodd: do we assume you're taking this on?
19:31 <@g2boojum> Okay, then that discussion can move to the mailing list.  
Open floor for devs (not that it wasn't already).
19:32 <@Koon> seemant: he will at least consider the option of taking this on :)
19:32 -!- g2boojum changed the topic of #gentoo-council to: meeting at 1900UTC 
(proxies swift->fox2mike vapier->josejx az->uberlord||halcy0n 
agriffis->g2boojum) | Topic: Signing drifing into an open floor.
19:32 < nattfodd> seemant: not yet, I have no background on this topic so need 
to check first that I *can* do it
19:32 < nattfodd> but I'll try to
19:34 <@Koon> nattfodd: if you need some details feel free to send an email my 
19:34 <@Koon> No more questions ?
19:35 < nattfodd> Koon: ok, I'll certainly do that
19:35 <@solar> I have no open questions and I wish you guys good luck getting 
gentoo-SoC off the ground.
19:36 <@g2boojum> Any other topics?
19:36 < christel> sorry, i was er, doing soc stuff for one of my other 
projects, yes, i believe its a good idea to go for it (lots of free pr and all 
that) and i'm afraid that due to it being 4 places left at time of applying and 
things occsionally taking a while around here i er, took a seemant advice and 
went a backway :)
19:36 <@fox2mike> any update on anoncvs/svn? Last I heard it was ready?
19:36 <@Koon> nattfodd: it's mostly a job of coordinating a lot of people : 
devrel for the keyring and key policy (expiration, length...), portage guys to 
improve integration etc
19:36 <@Koon> also the releng team to include master key in...
19:36 <@g2boojum> fox2mike: ask infra?
19:37 <@Koon> sounds a little like "Mission: Impossible" so good luck, Jim
19:37 < christel> as for SoC status, they are hoping to let us know if accepted 
or declined by monday :)
19:37 <@fox2mike> g2boojum: been doing that for months now
19:38 < tove> i am still curious if there will be a trustees election this 
year. maybe one of the trustees here knows?
19:38 <@Koon> There will be a council election for sure... we were talking of 
using the same timeframe as last year, voting over July-August
19:38  * solar votes for everybody that's already a trustee to remain one
19:38 <@g2boojum> tove: Wrong forum, but yes, there will.  I'll send out an 
e-mail to -nfp this weekend.
19:39 < tove> g2boojum: why should this be the wrong forum?
19:39 <@Koon> because we don't touch trstee stuff, it's slimy
19:39 <@g2boojum> tove: Because the Gentoo Council and the Gentoo Foundation 
are completely separate entities.
19:40 <@seemant> tove: trustees and council have different areas of 
responsibility -- as such this meeting is a council (development) meeting, 
rather than a foundation one
19:40  * Koon disappears
19:41 <@g2boojum> Anything else?
19:41 <@g2boojum> Going...
19:41 -!- tove [EMAIL PROTECTED] has quit ["leaving"]
19:41 <@g2boojum> Going...
19:41 <@seemant> Gone
19:41 <@solar> thanks g2boojum and others
19:41 <@g2boojum> Meeting adjourned.  Thanks for coming.
--- Log closed Thu Apr 20 19:42:09 2006

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