IMO the very important element of gentoo user relations that is absent
at w.g.o is search field! Gentoo does not have good searching point.
Each time I encounter bug/problem before asking for help if I'm a good
boy I have to search for solution in different places: forums, mailing
lists, bugzilla. If I heard that gentoo has some feature and I'd like to
find some relevant information, I have to search forums, mailing lists,
wiki, google. That is really uncomfortable. I have to open many
different search pages in my browser and cut and paste my search pattern
there, wait many times for results... And now pretend first day user..!
This omission really disturbs. So just some notes, on what IMO shall be
done. Search should spread among all gentoo projects, subprojects, ml,
blogs and etc. Search should be customized (fex, I'd like to search only
-user mailing list, Assistance forums, and bugs.g.o). It's good idea to
save searches (like save searches in bugzilla). BTW. There were already
suggestions with working implementations:
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list