On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 10:49:24PM -0400, Patrick McLean wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Alec Warner wrote:
> > 
> > Except you need a way for them to turn it off, and you do not currently
> > provide one.  We can set default flags all we want, but I don't see
> > filtering 'bad' flags as necessarily our problem.  If you want to say:
> > 
> > "Hey we have had issues with people filing bogus bug reports with CFLAGS
> > that are completely inappropriate, so by default we check the sanity of
> > your CFLAGS, this is how you turn those checks off." then I'd be ok with it.
> >
> > Most of the Ricers won't read it, and maybe you can print a warning that
> > CFLAG checking is disabled.
> > 
> > However leaving it on all the time merely imposes penalties on the power
> > users who wish to use your profile.  Your profile is a tool that should
> > be useful to all classes of users.
> > 
> The only flags that are actually removed are the _invalid_ flags. These are 
> the
> flags that gcc does not accept, and will error out on. The "bad" flags, IE the
> ones that the developers consider to be broken, but that are accepted by gcc 
> are
> not filtered, the profile simply prints a warning and pauses for 5 seconds to
> encourage users to read the warning, it does not automatically filter any 
> flags
> that the compiler accepts.

The only flags that are actually removed are the flags that are invalid
_by themselves_. There are cases where flags are valid because of other
flags, such as anything following -X*.

Two other problems I see with the code:
CFLAGS=${CFLAGS//bad-flag} is in the ebuild quiz, if I recall correctly.
It's broken because it also removes valid flags that happen to contain
bad-flag as a substring.
Locale isn't forced to C, which means gcc may not spit out 'unrecognized
option' at all even for invalid flags.
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