Am Donnerstag, 13. April 2006 07:07 schrieb Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen:
> net-mail/mailman is without an ebuild maintainer and has an open security
> bug #129136
> Anyone willing to take care of this package in the future, please update
> metadata.xml and CC yourself on the bug.

I'm running mailman on a server and was already looking at improving the 
ebuild a bit.

So I think I can take it. I hope I'll get to the revision-bump today, but I 
can't promise how fast I'll get to the other stuff that's pending (especially 

For the long term, I plan to include at least optionally the patches for 
searchable archives, vhosts and gpg-lists.

Hanno Böck              Blog:
GPG: 3DBD3B20           Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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