On Wednesday 12 April 2006 15:54, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > While I agree that SLOT's are not perfect, they were created to solve
> > this problem too. If another working solution is found, that is ok
> > for me too. But I don't want to just find my binary stops working
> > because some of its libraries were removed from under it. Those
> > libraries can coexist, so we should keep them to give users an
> > opportunity to upgrade their applications to the new one. Only at
> > that point do they become inappropriate.
> so you preserve the lib with the preserve_old_lib* functions in
> eutils.eclass

While this also does not stand any chance to win a beauty contest, this 
would also be acceptable to me. The only thing I want is things not 
starting to fail without a good reason. A new version of a library is on 
itself not a good enough reason.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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