On Fri, 2006-04-07 at 11:33 +0200, Grobian wrote:
> On 07-04-2006 11:07:28 +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
[let's pretend I snipped a bit here, oh wait, I did!]
> Maybe user-rel should, together with GWN bridge this problem by keeping
> the source of news anonymous?  Just to use it as teasers of what kind of
> things are being done in Gentoo's kitchen?
> Of course this only holds for new projects like in your hypothetical
> example.

Yes, that is quite similar to the idea that went through my head after
reading Christophers response. And I quite like it.

> Existing projects, like KDE and GCC probably already deal with questions
> from users, and giving a status update once a month would in my opinion
> help them to keep users both informed and interested, which is what the
> original poster meant I think.  From a user-rel perspective the
> information is used to inform the users that they're not waiting in vain
> for something not to happen, as well as why they are waiting, for
> example.

I'll bring this up at our upcoming userrel meeting and I'll also tease
our GWN liaison with the idea. And of course, I will be welcoming
feedback from developers and users. Ideas are welcome, and if someone
has any thoughts on how they think this could be done without eating
valuable developer time then I'd be more than happy to hear them!

Thank you Grobian!


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