On Fri, 2006-03-31 at 13:26 +0200, Jürgen Schinker wrote:
> how ca i make sure that i am informed earlier about such changes?

Hi Juergen,

I haven't seen this myself yet, searching on bugs.gentoo.org hasn't
shown me any known bugs.
I assume you are talking about the net-dialup/rp-pppoe package - since
you don't mention that in your email it's not easy to know what exactly
happened there. In fact, your email is one of the less helpful ways of
communicating a problem. Next time when you have a problem please try to
describe it in detail, then we don't have to guess and can help you much

The gentoo-dev mailinglist is not used for "small" bug discussion, the
mail volume would be prohibitive. bugs.gentoo.org and IRC (#gentoo,
#gentoo-bugs on irc.freenode.net) are usually much better for finding

The best way to find out about changes would be reading the Changelogs
provided by all Gentoo ebuilds. Usually disruptive changes are described
there, so if you read the Changelog before updating you should be safe.
Often changes are announced in the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, the forums
may also be useful.

Some time ago we had a discussion about the problem of getting updates
to users - you should be able to find it in the archives (dir.gmane.org
and marc.theaimsgroup.com (?) have a web-interface for just that).

Hope that helps,

Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move

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