Aron Griffis wrote:  [Sat Mar 25 2006, 06:00:49PM EST]
> Ryan Phillips wrote:  [Sat Mar 25 2006, 01:47:51AM EST]
> > It sounds to me like the overlays would benefit of using git/cogito.
> > The Linux Kernel uses this DVCS to full affect. Pulling changes from
> > other repositories, and even receiving email patches pushed from
> > people not having their own official repository (or repository http
> > or ssh accessible).  Any git checkout is a branch, so its easy to
> > stay up to date with the mainline tree and still work on personal
> > branches.
> Most of the other DVCSs are easier to use than git, and just as
> powerful or more.  IMHO git is used for Linux mostly because Linus
> wrote it, rather than it being the best tool for the job.

I should backpedal on that statement a bit...  While I think it's true
historically, git is doing a great job for kernel development, and it
can't be criticized lightly.  Nonetheless, similar power is available
in other DVCSs that are easier to use and less likely to cause


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