v2 changes:

- add src_test
- add support for gentoo keyserver
- fix small typo in handling multiple sources
- remove outdated die based on review

Eli Schwartz (2):
  sec-keys.eclass: new eclass
  sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gnutls: update to use sec-keys.eclass

 eclass/sec-keys.eclass                        | 197 ++++++++++++++++++
 sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gnutls/Manifest         |   1 +
 .../openpgp-keys-gnutls-20240415-r1.ebuild    |  22 ++
 3 files changed, 220 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 eclass/sec-keys.eclass
 create mode 100644 

Range-diff against v1:
1:  02c47372ec21 ! 1:  6777dbb541bf sec-keys.eclass: new eclass
    @@ Commit message
         Key rotations, both expected and malicious, are easily detected by
    -    checking the git log for changes to declared finterprints in a bump. 
    +    checking the git log for changes to declared fingerprints in a bump. 
         former can be rationalized in the commit message. So can the latter, 
         in most cases those will be rejected during peer review.
    @@ eclass/sec-keys.eclass (new)
     +# @CODE
    -+# '4EC8A4DB7D2E01C00AF36C49E5C587B5E286C65A:jsmith:github'
    ++# # implicit Ubuntu
    ++# '3DB7F3CA6C1D90B99FE25B38D4B476A4D175C54F:bjones:'
    ++# '4EC8A4DB7D2E01C00AF36C49E5C587B5E286C65A:jsmith:github,openpgp'
    ++# # key only available on personal website, use manual SRC_URI
    ++# '5FD9B5EC8E3F12D11BA47D50F6D698C6F397D76B:awhite:none'
     +# )
     +# inherit sec-keys
    ++# SRC_URI+="https://awhite.com/awhite.gpg -> awhite-${PV}.gpg"
     +# @CODE
     +case ${EAPI} in
    @@ eclass/sec-keys.eclass (new)
     +# Mapping of fingerprints, name, and optional location of PGP keys to 
     +# separated by colons. The allowed values for a location are:
    ++#  - gentoo -- fetch key by fingerprint from https://keys.gentoo.org
     +#  - github -- fetch key from github.com/${name}.pgp
     +#  - openpgp -- fetch key by fingerprint from https://keys.openpgp.org
    @@ eclass/sec-keys.eclass (new)
     +          for key in "${SEC_KEYS_VALIDPGPKEYS[@]}"; do
     +                  fingerprint=${key%%:*}
     +                  name=${key#${fingerprint}:}; name=${name%%:*}
    -+                  IFS=: read -r -a locations <<<"${key##*:}"
    ++                  IFS=, read -r -a locations <<<"${key##*:}"
     +                  [[ ${locations[@]} ]] || locations=(ubuntu)
     +                  for loc in "${locations[@]}"; do
     +                          case ${loc} in
    ++                                  gentoo) 
     +                                  github) 
     +                                  openpgp) 
     +                                  ubuntu) 
    @@ eclass/sec-keys.eclass (new)
     +unset -f _sec_keys_set_globals
    ++  app-crypt/gnupg
    ++  test? ( app-crypt/pgpdump )
    @@ eclass/sec-keys.eclass (new)
     +  fi
    ++sec-keys_src_test() {
    ++  local -x GNUPGHOME=${WORKDIR}/gnupg
    ++  local key fingerprint name server
    ++  local gpg_command=(gpg --export-options export-minimal)
    ++  for fingerprint in "${SEC_KEYS_VALIDPGPKEYS[@]%%:*}"; do
    ++          "${gpg_command[@]}" --export "${fingerprint}" | pgpdump > 
"${fingerprint}.pgpdump" || die
    ++  done
    ++  # Best-effort attempt to check for updates. keyservers can and usually 
    ++  # fail for weird reasons, (such as being unable to import a key without 
    ++  # uid) as well as normal reasons, like the key being exclusive to a
    ++  # different keyserver. this isn't a reason to fail src_test.
    ++  for server in keys.gentoo.org keys.openpgp.org keyserver.ubuntu.com; do
    ++          gpg --refresh-keys --keyserver "hkps://${server}"
    ++  done
    ++  for key in "${SEC_KEYS_VALIDPGPKEYS[@]}"; do
    ++          if [[ ${key##*:} = *github* ]]; then
    ++                  name=${key#*:}; name=${name%%:*}
    ++                  wget -qO- https://github.com/${name}.gpg | gpg --import 
|| die
    ++          fi
    ++  done
    ++  for fingerprint in "${SEC_KEYS_VALIDPGPKEYS[@]%%:*}"; do
    ++          "${gpg_command[@]}" --export "${fingerprint}" | pgpdump > 
"${fingerprint}.pgpdump.new" || die
    ++          diff -u "${fingerprint}.pgpdump" "${fingerprint}.pgpdump.new" 
|| die "updates available for PGP key: ${fingerprint}"
    ++  done
     +# @FUNCTION: sec-keys_src_install
     +# Default src_install override that minifies and exports all PGP public 
    @@ eclass/sec-keys.eclass (new)
     +  for fingerprint in "${SEC_KEYS_VALIDPGPKEYS[@]%%:*}"; do
     +          local uids=()
     +          mapfile -t uids < <("${gpg_command[@]}" --list-key 
--with-colons ${fingerprint} | awk -F: '/^uid/{print $10}' || die)
    -+          edo "${gpg_command[@]}" "${uids[@]/#/--comment=}" --export 
--armor "${fingerprint}" >> ${PN#openpgp-keys-}.asc || die
    ++          edo "${gpg_command[@]}" "${uids[@]/#/--comment=}" --export 
--armor "${fingerprint}" >> ${PN#openpgp-keys-}.asc
     +  done
     +  insinto /usr/share/openpgp-keys
    @@ eclass/sec-keys.eclass (new)
    -+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_compile src_install
    ++EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_compile src_test src_install
2:  0060997db9cb = 2:  2f78bceaed3b sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gnutls: update to use 

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