From: Maciej Barć <>

Some users asked for it. Also add a link to the Gentoo Wiki with more
specific examples.
Signed-off-by: Maciej Barć <>
 eclass/nuget.eclass | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+)

diff --git a/eclass/nuget.eclass b/eclass/nuget.eclass
index 4efbeb909f..3ad22fda2b 100644
--- a/eclass/nuget.eclass
+++ b/eclass/nuget.eclass
@@ -71,6 +71,24 @@ export NUGET_PACKAGES
 # String containing all NuGet packages that need to be downloaded.
+# To generate the "NUGETS" list use the "gdmt restore" tool from the
+# "dev-dotnet/gentoo-dotnet-maintainer-tools" package. To see all "gdmt 
+# options invoke it with the "--help" flag. The Gentoo Wiki page
+# Dotnet/Devguide ( contains
+# examples and special cases to be beware of.
+# Generally you will want to invoke "gdmt restore" form within a (clean) tagged
+# checkout of a given .NET-based project. The invocation will look something
+# like this: gdmt restore --sdk-ver SDK-VER --cache "$(pwd)/.cache" --project 
+# Where:
+#   * "SDK-VER" is a .NET version (6.0, 8.0), mind the full version, "8" is 
not allowed,
+#   * "PROJECT" is a given project file (.csproj or .fsproj) or a directory 
containing it.
+# So, for example:
+# gdmt restore --sdk-ver 8.0 --cache "$(pwd)/.cache" --project 
+# When formatting the "NUGETS" list it is better to not indent it,
+# but it can be indented with single tab.
 # Used by "_nuget_uris".
 # Example:

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