
I like the idea of overlays but your email here is completely bogus.
Ciaran just explained why overlays are a Gentoo problem, rebutting
Jakub's assertion that there's no need for policies.  I don't see any
agenda here, so either you're pulling in external context, or you're
reading into it.

Stuart Herbert wrote:  [Fri Mar 24 2006, 03:59:54AM EST]
> > It is a Gentoo problem, because Gentoo gets innundated with bogus bug
> > reports when users screw up their systems in weird ways and don't
> > realise the cause.
> Convince me that this is something more than just a power play, and
> I'll work with you.  But that's the hurdle you'll need to overcome
> first.
> Second hurdle is that you need to convince me that you "get" what the
> overlays are there for.  If you can't, then I can have no confidence
> that any policies you bring forward are appropriate for the work we're
> trying to enable.
> Thrid hurdle is that you need to convince me that you're capable of
> treating the overlays differently to how the main tree is treated.  If
> you can't, then I'll feel that you hoodwinked me at the second hurdle.
> I'm sure you've got a lot to offer, to help make the overlays a
> success.  But your agenda has to be appropriate - otherwise you'll
> just do more damage that good.
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