On 3/23/06, Daniel Ostrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can't have it both ways, either they are wholey Unofficial and do not get
> tracked in bugzilla at all (something which would have to be made VERY clear
> to our users, e.g. a you use it you get to keep the pieces policy, and the
> developer or team in question is the *only* point of contact for fixing
> things) -or- it is an Official overlay with official support which means it
> needs to abide by the rules...

I think we need both: An aggregation of unofficial and clearly stated
unofficial overlays which are currently in place.
And an official gentoo user and developer overlay, where ebuilds have
to conform to policy.
The difference between official and unofficial: bugs can be on
bugs.gentoo.org or not.

Then both goals would be met: Access to a gentoo-overlay for
non-developers and an aggregation of all gentoo overlays out there.

- Stefan

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