Ferris McCormick wrote:

>>  I
>> would also like to have them excluded from binary packages.
> That can't be right can it?  You mean, like openoffice-bin, or like the
> ones you build yourself?  I know that I often build on one system, install
> on several, and when I do that, I really want them to be identical.  I
> think if you have your no-docs-of-any-kind option, you get your wish as to
> locally built packages, but if you really mean things like openoffice-bin,
> I doubt that any openoffice user would want it with absolutely no
> documentation.

Yes, if I say -doc or specify FEATURES="nodoc", I don't want the docs in
there, binary package or not.  I want the behavior and results to be
consistent.  I am not talking about things like the internal openoffice
help documentation, I am talking about anything that goes
into /usr/share/doc, man pages, and info pages.

At my job we aim to eventually rid ourselves completely of MS products on
several thousand (local and remote) desktops and replace them with some
sort of thin linux client running the citrix metaframe client.  They will
be running in kiosk mode.  No user will have the ability to get to a window
manager and browse around in /usr/share/doc.  They don't even know what the
heck a man page is.

Generating package CDs to install the kiosks, using livecds in some cases,
and in other cases using terminal servers are all options on the table.  In
each of these scenarios, every KB counts.

I also generate installation CDs that can install or update any server type
in our farm for disaster recovery purposes.  Again, every KB counts...

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